BLESS YOURSELF BY BLESSING OTHERS FIRST I felt compelled to write this, hoping others can learn this “key to life” long before I did. The sooner you truly understand it, and most importantly implement it, the happier you will be. There was a time in my life when I felt the world — no, the universe —revolved around me, what I said, and what I did. Long before any social media, I had my own network of people that spread the news quickly, if I wanted. I did well in high school, was voted class vice president, excelled in tennis, and was “one of the guys.” It was a time for me to do what I wanted, when I wanted, and people followed. It was the Ron Kern Show, I thought. My mother had raised me with this gem of advice: “Be kind to others, no matter who they are; you haven't walked in their shoes.” And in those glory days, there were glimmers of me remembering this wisdom; however, it wasn't consistent. As I continued into the business world, I did well with one ...