How Should Christians Act?

I hope that you all had a very Merry CHRISTmas and hope your upcoming New Year is blessings galore. I decided to write this blog with the goal in mind to help others, which is my only point in making my opinion “public.” Keeping in mind many won’t take on such subjects as they don’t want to upset anyone and don’t like confrontation, I’ll take a stab at it; I can handle the backlash if there is any. I am not an expert, but felt it in my heart to respond. In the past I have commented on the topic of homosexuality, and many other topics, generally ending in a heated discussion. Recently, several people have asked my opinion on certain issues, such as homosexuality, adultery, and other topics not so easily discussed. Additionally, and what is exciting for me is, people have asked me how to give their life to God. I will do my best to cover these topics for you now. To the best of my ability, I will never intentionally single-out or bash homosexual...