Modern Day Slavery - Alive & Well

If you live in the United States, the word slavery probably takes you back to your history days in school, picturing a large plantation mansion, where African Americans, then called Negros, worked the cotton fields in the south so the owners of them didn't have to. That portion of our history is horrific and slavery as we knew it then, has been desolated. However, there is a current form of slavery called human trafficking, which is as sickening and disgusting as the 1800's in early America. Human trafficking doesn't receive a lot of media attention, although it's finally gaining some momentum now that celebrities and other well-known figures are speaking out on the topic. This needs to happen more. What is human trafficking? By definition, it's the illegal movement of people, typically for the purposes of forced labor or commercial sexual exploitation. In short, human beings are being forced into having sex with others, and working ...