The United States was NOT founded on Christianity...or was it?
Did America have a Christian founding? There has been an ongoing debate on this topic and it’s important not just historically, but how religion has a role in this country and inner workings. The people who believe it wasn’t based on God or Christianity have provided “proof” and continue to use single quotes to persuade those who believe differently. The most important document in our history, what started it all, is the Declaration of Independence, which I’ll be referring to often. My goal is to get to the bottom of it, from an objective, historical and accurate point of view, rather than picking a few quotes that might support my personal opinion. I will d ig deep, review historical documents and investigate each of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence. I want to get this right and leave no room for assumptions or inaccuracies. I believe that a majority of Americans have forgotten where we have come from and what we and this coun...